About Me

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Small Business Owner, Conservative/Libertarian, Christian,Patriot, Hunter,Fisherman,Survivalist, Rancher, Son,Brother,Husband,Father,and PaPa

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Farmhand / Handyman type seeks work "I can do it all" is my motto. 4 years and 4 months experience. No bad habits,dont drink or smoke but have been called a "Ladies Man" For more info call Ryker Chasteen at 555-CUTE

                                                    Pig Wrangler.

                                                    Bottle Baby Feeder.

                                                    Possum Stomper.

                                          Cow Milker.

                                                    Rooster Wrestler.

                                          Need a Duck caught by the neck ?

Need ceiling fan installed ? I'm not afraid of heights.

                                                    Baby Chicks, my next project.

                                          Ringneck Snake ? No Problem.

                                                    Catching my Supper.

                                          I can clean it too !

                                         Sunblock not needed. I wear a BIG hat !

                                          Yeah I caught it.

                                          Setting out Jug Lines.

                                         I get results !

                                         My 1st Kill ! ! !

                                         Raising A Beef.

                                          Can do light Carpentry work.

                                         Need a Goat Bulldogged to the ground ?

                                          Excellent ATV skills for cattle drives etc...

If interested please call me ASAP need $$ quick for a new pair of cowboy boots and some candy. Last employer said they hated to see me go and that they really MISS me,worked there about a year. For references call my Pa Pa.       P.S. I am NOT afraid of the dark.


  1. Thats the best yet. I think Ill call him for some work!

  2. Really cute pictures of Ryker. Bet he loves it! Talented kid.
